UNQUESTIONABLY, if Freddie Flintoff could go back in time to December 13, 2022, he would. He would not get into a Morgan Super 3, without a helmet, and loop around the Dunsfold Aerodrome. Had this …
Ben Parkinson, the most seriously wounded veteran of the war in Afghanistan, had to launch a judicial review to see his £152,000 raised to £546,000There is no money in the world that can compensate for the trauma, the endless surgeries, the devastating impact hisFamilies are given a relative pittance when their loved ones DIE in service.
For every “good for him, take them for every penny he can get”, people pointed out this was a multi-millionaire who willingly got into a sports car and knew, surely, what he was getting himself into when he signed up toAs one user wrote: “I got a small sum after a life-changing accident, it took 6+ years to settle.Another added: “Saddened.Will we ever see the footage and judge for ourselves who was at fault? Probably not.
Which must be galling for veterans, those injured for simply serving their country .Freddie deserves every penny. He’s been through hell and back.He’s not spoken publicly and, by all accounts, is a shell of the man he once was.All of us, surely, will be too scared to take a risk — employers, small buildings owners, too scared to put a foot wrong for fear of being shut down.