Demand for the 'Back to School Bank', which helps parents in need, has almost tripled since 2018.
Record numbers of parents cannot afford to buy school uniforms as the cost of living crisis deepens, according to one charity.And this summer has been the busiest period since it was established.
She said: "This year has been incredibly difficult. In 2018, we did a hundred-odd uniforms and now we are three times that four years later. There has been no quiet period this year. Support agencies collate the details of those in need through Women's Aid, social work, money advice teams and schools.
However, according to its own website, who can apply and the amount of money offered depends on individual councils.A government spokeswoman said eligible families can access an additional grant of £267.65 as well as the Scottish Child Payment of £20 per child per week. John Dickie, from the CPAG, said the timing of providing additional free food would have been ideal given the cost pressures facing households.