Another Pokémon that we will be required to catch in our bid to finally have them all has been revealed.
In a rather haunting trailer, we were introduced to Poltchageist, a transformed tea caddy. Poltchageist is a grass and ghost type Pokémon that holds the spirit, or at least the regret, of a once rather strict and cantankerous tea master.
According to this new trailer, Poltchageist can go around blowing matcha over people, and then inhale that matcha back into its caddy, seeping some of the inflicted person's life force as it does so. This is something, as you can see in the trailer below, it does to a room full of innocent children. But, it winks at us at the end, so I am sure they are all ok... right?The Haunting Tale of Poltchageist.
. It contains two adventures - The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk. It seems we'll be able to meet Poltchageist in the upcoming The Teal Mask DLC. Each part of the Scarlet and Violet DLC will not only take you on new Pokémon adventures, but will also introduce you to new Pokémon and see the return of over 230 Pokémon from previous generations.
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC Part One: The Teal Mask will be released next month, on 13th September. Meanwhile, The Indigo Disk has a release window of Winter 2023, but no exact date as yet.Eurogamer welcomes videogamers of all types, so sign in and join our community!